There are a lot of great board games out there. Out of all those games out there, though, there are some that just stand out from the rest.
For some, it’s because they are classics that have withstood the test of time. Others are memorable because they started an entire genre. And some games are just so good at what they do, it would be a shame to miss out.
So, here is a list of ten games that everyone needs to try at least once:
Glory to Rome
If any game screams “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” it’s Glory to Rome. I chose this little-known card game for two reasons:
Unfortunately, Cambridge Games Factory seems to have lost interest in publishing more copies of this game. However if you have a chance to get a copy of this game, be sure to take it. You won’t be sorry! |
The Settlers of Catan
What was the first “euro” game you played? If you ask most gamers this question, chances are they will name Settlers of Catan. For that reason alone, if you for some reason you haven’t had the chance to play Settlers, you owe it to yourself to at least see what the fuss is about. |
Magic: the Gathering
The original collectible card game is still the most popular by far, and with good reason. Magic: the Gathering features a great core ruleset, and provides an ever-changing experience thanks to the release of new cards every few months. It’s often criticized for being addictive and expensive (earning it the nickname “cardboard crack”). However, it’s actually possible to get into Magic rather cheaply if you’re careful about the way you play. |
Pandemic is unusual because it is one of a very few cooperative games, where instead of playing against each other, they are working together in an attempt to “beat” the game system. In this case, four diseases are spreading throughout the world, and it’s up to the players to find the cures. Each player has a different role that allows them to help in a specific way; whether it’s the Dispatcher who can move the other players around the board, while the Scientist can actually find the cures more easily. Pandemic is a must-play because of the great sense of satisfaction that comes with working together to accomplish a common goal. (This is a particularly good game to play with your spouse; if anything it’s good practice in working together!) |
Blood Bowl
If they played American football in the world of Dungeon & Dragons, it would probably look something like this. Blood Bowl pits teams of orcs, amazons, undead, and other fantasy creatures against each other in a sport that looks a lot like football, except without all of those pesky “unnecessary roughness” penalties. And how many games let you use an ogre to throw a goblin ball carrier over a team of rat creatures for the game-winning touchdown? (Well, game-winning for you. Career-ending for the poor goblin…) |
Even though it’s been around since the late 1800’s, Euchre isn’t nearly as well-known as other card games like it. While it’s very popular in some regions of America, but virtually unknown in others. (Where I’m from, I have a hard time finding anyone to play unless I play online.) There are many trick-taking card games out there, but everyone needs to try Euchre at least once. It offers the same types of strategic decisions as other games — like Spades, for example — but its fast pace makes it easy to play multiple games in a session. |
I originally tried this game simply because it was ranked #1 of all board games by the BoardGameGeek community, and I can see why it’s ranked so high. In Agricola, players try to use limited resources to build up their farms with fences, livestock, crops, and stables. While doing all this, they also have to make sure there is enough food to feed their families at each harvest. It’s a bit more complex than most games, but it provides a great deal of depth and replayability. Agricola also appeals to more than hard-core gamers, because even if you lose it’s just plain fun to watch your farm go from nothing to thriving business by the end of the game. |
Beyond Balderdash
Of all the party games I’ve played, this one never fails to get the entire group laughing. One player reads an obscure word, movie title, or person’s name, and everyone else must describe the thing that was named. Then everyone tries to guess which description is real. It’s rare that anyone actually knows the right answer, so the responses can get just downright ridiculous at times. Even if you don’t normally like party games, give Beyond Balderdash a shot at your next family get-together. |
Not many games have lasted as long as the game of Go. Over four thousand years old, it’s been regarded as one of the most difficult games to master for many centuries, even though rules are even simpler than Chess. While not very well-known in the West, Go is very popular in Asia, even inspiring an entire Japanese manga series entitled Hikaru no Go about a boy learning to play Go under an old master’s instruction. |
So, that’s my list of must-play games. What about you? What games do you know of that I may have missed? Feel free to leave a comment and let me know!
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Good list. I agree almost completely as we have the same taste. I’ll have a look at the “weird” ones you mention. Let’s see if I can get a copy first!
A lot of times, you can find games that are out of print at the marketplace section of Also, if you’ve never tried setting up a trade through that site, that can be another great way to get new games while getting rid of the games you don’t play so much anymore. That’s actually how I got my copy of Glory to Rome!
Nice to see Go on the list… many strategy board gamers don’t play this and vice versa.
Yeah, it’s definitely a great game. The rules are so simple, but it hurts my brain so much! There’s just an amazing amount of depth that it’s hard to see until you play.
I love the picks, but I feel one is missing. I understand how it could have been overlooked because it is so available. Sometimes the exclusiveness (hope that is spelled right) can make a game seem better than one that is in every store. The game I have to say got me into stratagy board games is
R R I S K K !
k so when i posted that it messed up the spacing! Anti climatic it is RISK!
Hehe, Risk is a great one too. Lately, we’ve been into Small World. It plays similarly to Risk, but it moves much faster, and there’s a lot less luck involved.
Good list. I also suggest : San Marco, Hollywood Blockbusters, Citadels.